How to get to LAGA SURF CAMP by public transport from Bilbao?
No matter if you take a plane to Bilbao airport, a bus to Bilbao or a train to Bilbao, here are the steps to follow to get to Ibarrangelu (our village).
Please note that if you arrive in Bilbao by plane you will have to take a bus from the airport to Bilbao, there are buses every few minutes to make this journey, a journey of 20 minutes separates the airport from the centre of Bilbao. Bus A3247 AIRPORT-BILBAO: Itinerary: Bilbao-Loiu Airport, Alameda Rekalde14, Gran Vía 46, Gran Vía 74, Bilbao Intermodal (bus station).
How to get to us FROM BILBAO :
There are 2 options:
1) Bilbao direct to Ibarrangelu
2) Bilbao- Gernika and then another bus from Gernika- Ibarrangelu
Más información en bizkaibus o puedes contactar con Laga Surf Camp y te ayudaremos.
Otra opción es llegar en tren hasta Gernika y después coger el autobús a Ibarrangelu.
Direct bus from Bilbao to Hostel Ibarrangelu (arrival stop Elejalde, 12) is line A3513.
From Bilbao
- Weekdays and saturdays: de 7:05 a 21:05* (*sólo hasta Gernika, every 2h)
- Holidays: de 9:05 a 21:05 (*sólo hasta Gernika, every 2h)
From Lekeitio
- Weekdays and saturdays: de 6:50 a 20:50 (every 2h)
- Holidays: de 8:50 a 20:50 (every 2h)
Bus from Bilbao to Gernika Lines A3514 and A3515 Stop at HURTADO DE AMÉZAGA Street (next to Abando Station)
- Working days: de 6:15 a 21:45 (every 30min)
- Saturdays: de 7:00 a 22:00 (every 1h)
- Holidays: de 8:00 a 22:00 (every 1h)
- Working days: de 6:30 a 22:00 (every 30min)
- Saturdays: de 6:30 a 22:30 (every 1h)
- Holidays: de 7:30 a 22:30 (every 1h)
A3523 (BILBAO-GERNIKA) Parada Bilbao Intermodal
- Working days: de 6:05 a 20:05 (every 2h)
- Holidays: 8:05 a 20:05 (every 2h)
- Saturdays: Sin servicio
A3526 (Gernika Ibarrangelu)
- Working days: 9:00, 12:00, 14:10, 17:00, 20:10
- Weekdays and saturdays: Sin servicio
Where we are?
Lastarri Auzoa, 16C
48311 Ibarrangelu, Bizkaia
What shedule?
L/D 9:00 – 22:00h